Flow State

When I was eight years old, my mother forced me to go with her on a run along The Phillip Island foreshore. I went reluctantly, but to my surprise soon found myself experiencing a feeling I had never felt before. There was something about the combination of running in nature, the smell and sound of the ocean, and the feel of the dirt under my feet. It would take me a number of years to realise that I was experiencing something termed a flow. state

The first time I heard the term “flow state.” I could not believe that there was a term for that space of both stillness and movement, when the mind stops.

Not only was this a thing that you could stumble upon, it was also one that you could cultivate.

A flow state describes the feeling of becoming fully immersed in whatever you are doing. When you are totally absorbed by, and deeply focused on something beyond the point of distraction. Essentially the mind feels still.

So how does one cultivate this joy or flow state?

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi a Psychologist studied the various factors that can lead to this state.

Johann Harri talks about these states arising when you are doing something you love but pushing yourself to the edge of your capabilities.

He talks about

  1. Choosing a clearly defined goal ie/climbing a hill

  2. Doing something meaningful to you

  3. Doing something on the edge of your abilities but not beyond them

Over the years I have realised that the things that bring one these moments varies significantly from person to person. For me it is when I run and get lost in the rhythm of my feet and my breath. I have a friend who describes the exact feeling when she is baking or listening to opera. Another when she is making ceramic pots.

To try and access this feeling I think a starting point is thinking of the times in your life where you have felt this or something like it. This may have been listening to music, going for a hike with a friend, watching a sunset, or meditating.

For me it might be trying to run a little bit faster, for my friend it might be trying a recipe she has never tried before.

In the world that we live in our attention is often fragmented and we easily become disconnected. Finding something that brings flow is so important for us to feel alive and present..


Unlocking Us Brene Brown

Brene with Karen Walrond on Accessing joy.- great advice on ways to feel connected


Dan Brown 10% Happier

Why you cant pay attention and how to think Deeply again Johan Hari

brilliant discussion on why we are struggling to focus and ways to help.



Flow The classic work on how to achieve happiness Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Csikszentmihalyi is a Hungarian psychologist who first used the term flow.


Stolen Focus Johann Hari

A look into why we can’t pay attention and how important it is to have more of these flow states.



Best Self

