
Developing a regular meditation practice can be difficult to do at the best of times. Like anything, the more you do it the more you benefit from it.

Sometimes it can be overwhelming trying to even know where to start. Sometimes the idea of having yet another thing you have to do can make it less appealing. The thing with meditation is that it often actually allows you to have more mental space.

The following are some suggestions on how to get started:

1. Start small. If sitting for more than 10 minutes a day seems too much , start with a shorter meditation. Doing 5-10 minutes everyday  and then reassessing how you feel in 2 weeks can be  a good way to begin.

2.Choose a time of the day that works for you. For some this will be first thing on waking, for others it may be just before going to bed.

3.Find a type of meditation that you like. Not everyone will like listening to a guided meditation. Below is a list of various Apps you can try.

4.Don’t expect your mind to stop. What generally happens when you start to meditate, is that you notice how busy your mind is. Rather than the mind being at peace, you often become aware of all the thoughts in your head. This does not mean that you are not doing it right. It merely means you are becoming more aware.With time you will get more moments of stillness.

5.Try to be consistent. Start with every second day if you feel like everyday is too daunting. Don’t get discouraged if you miss a session. Always try to notice how you feel after you meditate.

6.Remember there is no right  or wrong. I often have patients say they are bad at meditating. There is no good or bad. Meditation often just works as a tool to help clear the mind. Often the busiest, most unsatisfying meditation can lead to increased calmness after.

7. Find a course or a teacher. If you are having trouble motivating yourself, finding a teacher or a group can help. It can often be easier to meditate with other people.


The following Apps can provide a great starting point:

Smiling mind

Short manageable guided meditations 

Good for kids and adults


One Giant Mind

Mantra based. You repeat a word over in your mind.



Various types of meditations.

Great guided meditations. Includes specific meditations for sleep. Also has shorter meditations

Insight timer

Various guided meditations. Different categories. 

Ie/sleep, anxiety.Range from 5 minutes-1 hour +

Meditations from many different meditation teachers.

Free with option to upgrade



Vedic (mantra based meditations) Various courses throughout Australia.

Mindful in May

Excellent course.Provides many techniques to help build a regular meditation practice.