
The new year often brings with it motivation for new resolutions and the formation of new habits.

While the year can begin well, the classic saying “old habits die hard” is often all too accurate. 

It is very common that after a short time of sticking to a new routine the old one comes right back.

Patterns that have been there for years are very challenging to break. This may include habits with food, alcohol smoking or exercise..

Often we want quick results but these are much harder to maintain. Changing a lifetime of habits takes time.

There are hundreds of books and podcasts on how to form good habits, but one of the best ones I have come

across is James Clear’s Atomic Habits.

In this book he discusses trying to change the systems you have in place rather than have specific goals. He talks about four laws of behaviour change:

Make it obvious. Make it attractive. Make it easy. Make it satisfying.

He talks about behaving like the person you want to be rather than aiming to be a particular person.

He gives the example of trying to change food habits, and asking “ As a healthy person what will I eat, rather than what do I need to

eat to become a healthy person. It is a slight shift of mindset.The resources below may help to inspire positive habits:


Atomic Habits James Clear

Clearly written with straight forward strategies for forming new habits and releasing old ones.



The Drive Peter Attia

26/12/22 James Clear building and changing habits


Brene Brown Unlocking Us

12/19th January 2022 Brene with James Clear on Atomic habits. Parts 1 and 2

Explores ideas and strategies for habit formation. Excellent conversation.



Tara Brach

12/19th May 2023 Releasing the Habits That Imprison Your spirit. Parts 1 and 2

Discussion about habits and addiction. Practical techniques to help deal with addiction.



The good life project

25/12/2017 Charles Duhigg: The Power of Habit


28/07/22 Colin O Brady The Power of quests and how to mount yours.

Interesting podcast on the power of having a physical challenge
