
The emotions associated with death and grief are immense. At times words can’t even begin to do them justice.

Paradoxically, when we are processing death we often search for some kind of guidance, something to make things bearable, and help us feel less alone. We often want to know that somebody has figured out a way to get through it.

The following are some of my thoughts:

Grief is completely personal. There is no right or wrong way to grieve.

It can help to talk to the person you have lost out loud. This doesn’t make you crazy.

Don’t be afraid to cry, scream or feel the pain. It’s okay to feel out of control.

Lighting a candle or making a small shrine to give your emotions a physical form may provide some comfort.

It’s important to remember grief comes in waves. Not always when you expect them.

Time heals, even though at times it can feel that time passing takes you further from that person.

People often say inappropriate things because they themselves are uncomfortable with death. It is not your job to make them feel better. It is your job to look after yourself.

 It is important to seek out people who can provide support, whether this be a friend, GP, psychologist.


Any ordinary Day Leigh Sales - examines differents people’s responses to grief

Found Wanting Natasha Sholl - honest and Raw account of grief

Being Mortal Atul Gawande - a discussion about ho we deal with ageing and death


Ten percent happier Dan Harris

Abby Wambach on: Grief,Addictionand moving from external to internal validation

All in The Mind - Toxic Positivity

A discussion about the difficulties of allowing oneself to feel grief

The Rich Roll Podcast

Episode 787 Discovering yourself in tragedy. Steph Catudal on love, grief, healing and finding meaning.

Healing and finding meaning in life’s profound moments


W.H Auden Stop The Clocks

Help lines

Grief line 1300 845 745

Free telephone and online support services and resources

Lifeline 131114

24 hour crisis support