Mental Wellbeing

 I have always been drawn to self help books, attracted to the idea that they would provide answers to some of life’s harder questions.

The first book I remember coming across was A Guide to the Advanced Soul. The premise of this book was that you hold a problem in your head and open the book to a quote that would give you guidance. At 13,  I would think of an issue and keep opening up the pages until I found a quote I liked.

I still remember one that I didn’t understand or like at the time.

“Before enlightenment chopping wood fetching water. After enlightenment chopping wood fetching water.”

These simple words were meant to illustrate the reality of life. The idea, that despite moments of bliss and awakening we still have to do the routine things to function at humans. We don’t just one day figure it all out, or read all the answers in a book!

Now, I love this quote so much. As humans, we add a huge component to our suffering when we judge it. When we feel as though we shouldn’t have to learn the same lesson again. I have observed that often the biggest upsets occur when we think that once a problem is solved, or that once we overcome a difficult time in our lives, it will be over. We won’t have to deal with these unpleasant emotions again. Accepting that life is not something we solve but continually learn from is crucial for self acceptance.

I think it is helpful to continually remind ourselves of the importance of being human.

Below are a number of resources that may help to do this.


Tara Brach

Meditation teacher. Tara has a number of excellent podcasts, books and meditations.She often refers to an anxiety management technique called R.A.I.N. (Recognise, Allow,Investigate,Nurture)

Podcasts- below are some Tara Brach podcasts that I have found particularly inspiring:

Transforming two fears

The four remembrances

True resilience


Radical Compassion. Learning to love yourself and your world Tara Brach

Brene Brown

Inspiring researcher. Podcasts, Ted talks and books on vulnerability, self acceptance and understanding emotions.


Unlocking Us with Brenee Brown

Brene with Ester Perel on Partnerships, patterns and paradoxical relationships:


Brene has many books. This one is about self acceptance:

The Gifts of imperfection. Brene Brown

Dan Harris

Previously a TV presenter, through his own journey Dan Harris has produced a number of fantastic podcasts/apps and meditations

10% Happier Dan Harris:

Anxiety explained

The Opposite of Depression

Dr Kristen Neff

Meditation teacher.

Other books

Women who run with wolves. Clarissa Pinkola Estes

A touch esoteric but beautiful Jungian psychoanalysis of stories/ classic tales and how they enable us to better understand ourselves.

This Messy magnificent Life Geneen Roth

Other Podcasts

The good life project:

You don’t need to be fixed Geneen Roth

The Happiness Lab :

Happiness lessons from the Ancients

The Rich Roll

Rich is an Ultramarathoner who interviews a number of very interesting people on aspects of health.

Dan Buettner lessons from the worlds happiest people

Interesting information on the things that increase happiness