
We are living in a world where we are becoming more and more sedentary. Cars, screens and online ordering make it very easy to minimise our movements. While it has never been more important to incorporate exercise into our daily lives, often it is hard to find the time and motivation.The hardest thing can often be starting, and forming a habit.

There are a multitude of reason as why we should exercise. We now have multiple studies on the benefits of being active on both our bodies and minds. We have more of an understanding of how staying fit decreases our risks of a variety of diseases. These diseases Include diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers and dementia. In addition, the benefits of physical activity are also often immediate. It is rare that you will do a session of exercise and regret it. All that said, when it comes to Physical Activity there is definitely no one size fits all.

The ideas below may help:

1. Chose an activity you like/love

One of the biggest factors in being able to maintain any habit, is finding one that you like.

If you hate running or going to the gym don't try to force it. Chose something that you enjoy. 

2. Redefine what counts as exercise

Dancing, yoga, walking in nature are all forms of exercise. I often have patients say they don’t like exercise but love hiking. Exercise does not only mean running or lifting weights.

3. Know your reason for exercising

Rather than another thing you have to check off your list, have a purpose.This may be to feel better, look better, or have time to yourself.

4. Find a friend/partner to exercise with

Exercising with someone else can increase your motivation. Having a commitment like a weekly walk or run, will increase your likelihood of following through with it.

5. Make it interesting

There are a number of ways to make exercising more exciting. Adding music or going somewhere inspiring in nature. There are also various classes from barre(ballet) to dancing to pilates or even pilates with rowing. 

6. Don’t be afraid to get help.

Listed below are a number of Apps. Sometimes a few sessions with a personal trainer can also help with motivation.

7. Start small

Start with small sessions, and gradual build up. Ideally exercise 3-4 times a week, however if you can only start with 1 or 2 start with that. If 45 minutes is too overwhelming, start with 15min and progressively increase this.

8. Book in a session as if it were an appointment

Rather than saying “I'll try to do a few sessions in the week”, choose the day and time and put it in your diary. This makes it much easier to stick to.

NB/ if you have any underlying health conditions, you should consult with a medical professional before undertaking any new exercise programs.

Suggested Apps:


Couch to 5k


This is a great app if you are starting to run

Online training Apps and sessions

Youtube has hundreds of different workouts. The difficulty can often be finding something you like or not getting overwhelmed by too many choices! It can help to be specific about what you want to do. If you want a HIIT or high intensity workout, you can search HIIT and the duration you want to train for.




Different workouts for strength and fitness.

ie/ abdominal workout or increase flexibility workout

Nike training club 


Guided good quality workouts from 15-45minutes


Yoga studio


This is a great App with sessions of various duration and intensity



An app with various yoga workouts, as well as HITT and 7 minute workouts

Yoga with Adriene


A series of youtube yoga videos