Best Self

A few years ago I was given some advice as to how to check in if I was feeling out of sorts. I was told to check if I was physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually in balance. If one of these areas was out of balance or neglected, every area may then feel out of whack.

When we feel unhappy or unsettled for no obvious reason, it can be difficult to know where to even begin to address this. Often we turn to things that provide immediate satisfaction. Things such as food, alcohol, drugs or ciggarettes. These may work initially to take away the unpleasant feeling, but used long term many of these can start to have negative effects.

The following acronym “BEST’ (as in best self) provides a basic framework for helping when we are feeling out of sorts.

B breathing

Breath is the most essential component of life, yet we often forget to consciously do it. Taking the time to meditate or do yoga or simply take some conscious breaths is a grounding process. Being more aware of one’s breath can help shift unpleasant thoughts, and enable you to feel more present.

E eating well and exercising

It is very easy to become disconnected with how we are treating our bodies. It is amazing how much better we feel when we nourish ourselves with good food and look after our bodies with regular physical activity.

Sugar and processed food may initially give us a sense of euphoria but longer term they often have a negative effect on our mood and body. Eating more vegetables, wholefood and non processed food makes a significant difference.

It is also easy to forget how good you feel after an exercise session. There is now so much evidence about both the physical and mental benefits of regular exercise.

S sleep, substances and stress

We often sacrifice sleep in an effort to get  the most out of the day. Ironically a good night’s sleep enables us to function far more effectively during the day.

Substances like alcohol  or cigarettes also provide an immediate escape.Again it is easy to fall into habits and drink or smoke more than is healthy. Unfortunately this also takes a toll on mind and body.

Stress affects us on so many levels. it in turn can effect sleep, food choices and our motivation to exercise.

Adressing stress can be pivotal in allowing one to address many other aspects of self care.

T talking, togetherness

When we go through emotional turmoil it can often take on a much larger presence if we leave it alone in our heads. Talking about things with a friend or a professional can give us significantly more perspective on issues that may seem unresolvable. Connecting with a friend can also help one feel less alone.

Sometimes going back to basics and making small changes can yield significant results. While trying to do everything at once may be too much, focusing on strategies that are easiest to look at such as taking time to breathe can be a good starting point.


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